I have seen different methods for shaping ciabatta; the method I use is really more cutting than shaping.
In contrast with most other doughs, which are assertively de-gassed during shaping, ciabatta wants to be handled very gently to maintain all those lovely bubbles that have developed during fermentation.
(If you can’t see the video here, view it on YouTube.)
Thanks for this one too, Susan. Very instructive.
Great videos Susan, I need to get inspired again and your wonderful batch of dough does the job eh quite nicely I must say! hehe
Thank you, Susan, you’ve made it look easy! I’ve been following Wild Yeast for a few months now and absolutely love it!
BTW, I wouldn’t call you a “messy baker” unless, of course, the dog was covered in flour. 🙂
Helpful! Thank you for your helpful video.
It’s so much easier to watch the video. Of course it helps a lot too. Thanks Susan.
I’m loving these videos! I’ve decided that I need to get a proofing couche (and someday a nice marble countertop…)
This is also wonderful since spring is around the corner. The light texture of ciabattas always seem appropriate for this time of year.
“Its alive”
good stuff
These videos are just wonderful. I am not the biggest ciabatta fan in the world, but I am nonetheless having the strong urge to go try making it.
Susan, I knew you would show your face, well a bit of it!
That dog is a French Boxer right?
Have you seen my friend Vincent Talleu’s video’s instruction on ciabatta? It’s well worth it, and your videos are too!
Lazy baker (my moniker) : )
oooh, thanks! This is really helpful.
Beautiful!! 🙂
Great videos, Susan!
Your videos are beautiful technique but your opening smile is grand.
Great video and if that was messy then you should see my kitchen right now which is being replastered with ciabatta dough as I type.
Thanks for the videos!
This is great, Susan. I’m particularly impressed at how much the dough DOESN’T stick to your hands as you are handling it. (Even though there is plenty of flour)
Susan, thanks so much for the videos. I’ve learned the bread world through books only and find it wonderful (and encouraging/ affirming) to see someone who I respect and admire handle dough. Words and pictures are great but boy, there’s nothing more educational for my addled brain than visual instruction! :^)
I watched. I wanted more, like reaching in getting a hot piece of this bread with butter on it. Thanks for your efforts.
That video was very timely as I baked ciabatta only yesterday. One thing that puzzled me, though: the shape of uncooked dough you use looks almost square, yet the pic of loaves is more oblong. A I missing something? Does it shrink up on cooking, or what?
Susan – these videos are so helpful. Please do more – how about one on ‘Shaping a baguette’. I always make a mess of that! Like Tangled I’m a bit puzzled by the final shape – do you do a final shape to the proved loaves before baking to get the classic ciabatta shape?
Fishes and Loaves: Let’s just say the dog is not covered in flour *any more*.
Jeremy: Boston Terrier, often confused with the French bulldog, but cuter.
Here’s Vincent’s ciabatta-shaping video, it’s a good one:
Tangled and Barry: about the shaping — sorry, I should have made it clear, the first photo is actually from another batch where I cut the pieces into rectangles. It was just a better photo. The pieces will stay the shape you cut them.
Great job on your video. Such a nice gentle voice you have. So when is your next video?
I made ciabatta once before but would like to try it again your way. Maybe make mine again so I can see how they compare. But I guess that would be a lot of bread.
I love these step-by-step videos; they inspire me and make me want to fetch the flour and get busy!
Oh, and I have to say, I’m so impressed to see you dressed in black and working your usual magic. lol. I feared I was alone…. I have to ask, do you have flour pats on your sides, too? How about your pockets? Yep. Me2. lol.
Thank goodness flour does not stain, washes away relatively easy and the dog understands what the backyard command, “Shake” means.
I’m still waiting for Roomba to invent the kitchen countertop vacuum though. Wouldn’t we be a glorious bunch of happy campers…er…bakers…oh my!
Hi Susan,
Looked through your recipe for Ciabatta. Can I substitute bread flour for the white flour?
Thanks, B.
Terrific video, Susan. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice. I really should be less stingy with flour when dusting for ciabatta 🙂
Thanks for a wonderfull demo on how to handle a slack dough. Cheers!
Very inspirational video. Thanks!
Why don’t you use an apron?
Very instructive. Once the loaves are proofed, how do you transfer them to the oven without de-gassing them?
EJ, I guess I just like to live dangerously. 🙂
Ken, I gently flip them onto a flipping board (see video on how to use one: http://www.wildyeastblog.com/2009/01/12/how-to-use-a-flipping-board-video/) so the floured side is up, then slide them onto a sheet of parchment. The whole parchment sheet goes onto the baking stone.
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing.