Last week I mentioned the Super Peel in my Gift Ideas post, and I’d like to tell you a bit more about it, as it’s one of my favorite tools.
If you bake bread or pizza you know that a peel is used to transfer a loaf or pizza onto a hot baking stone. A traditional wood or metal peel must usually be quite heavily dusted with flour or cornmeal to allow the dough to slide off the peel and onto the stone without sticking — and sometimes it still sticks, especially if the dough is quite wet. Parchment paper can help, but it’s expensive, disposable, and burns at high oven temperatures.
The Super Peel is a clever answer to those problems. Modeled after the cloth conveyor belts that professional bakeries use to get loaves in and out of large deck ovens, the Super Peel has its own pastry-cloth belt that gently and efficiently picks up a pizza, loaf, or any other delicate or sticky item from a flat surface and deposits it, unscathed, anywhere you like.
I most recently used my Super Peel to transfer this couronne onto the baking stone without fear of it sticking and deforming its lovely circular shape. I’ve used it to transfer a ganache-covered cake from wire rack to serving plate. It’s great for getting a rolled-out pie crust (even one that wants to stick to the counter) into the pie plate, or cut cookies onto the baking sheet without mangling them.
Check out videos of Super Peel in action at the Super Peel website.
Now here’s the best part: one of my favorite tools can be one of your favorites too — for free. Gary Casper, Super Peel’s inventor and manufacturer, has agreed to send a Super Peel to one of you lucky people. Just leave a comment on this post, and I’ll choose a winner at random on December 13. (Please note this giveaway can be shipped to the 50 US states or Canada only.) So happy commenting, happy baking, happy transporting, and good luck!
— UPDATE: Entries are now closed for this giveaway. Thanks to everyone who left a comment! —
I have a good friend who would just loooooooove to get this for Christmas! He’s my favourite chef in the whole wide world too.
Hi. I’ve just read about your super peal give-away. I’ve watched numerous posts/videos on this nifty gadget and would truely find it useful on my bread baking adventures! I’m very much into the artisanal bread baking and am a subscriber to Breadtopia and other various sites. I am currently in the process of opening a restaurant–I simply love to cook/bake!
Wow, this looks cool! I currently use parchment paper, but the dough does get a little deformed when I move it.
This looks great, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and maybe once in a lifetime I’ll win something ;o)
I haven’t run across the super peel before & I just placed it on my wish list – although I will wait to see if I am a winner : )
You are the best! This has to be the ultimate give-away. If I don’t win, I’m adding this item to my wish list. (Christmas is coming, after all.)
Yeah, you are really the best! I’ve heard so much about a super peel, I only own a normal one
I would love to be the winner of ths super peel!
Super gadget! Lucky winner:)
You are right on! It can e heartreaking to see all your hard work kneading the dough into a perfect shape to watch it get ruined by the transfer. I didn’t know such a peel existed, and am keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh, I really, really want one of these! Please? I can haz peel?
Hey Susan,
Would it fit in a small NY apartment with a mad baker? And I know about sticky loaves, half on the stone and half on the peel!
Oh wow! I just got a bread-baking book and it calls for one of these pizza peels!
Nice! This would be a great addition to the kitchen!
i just started baking bread and this would help beyond belief! i keep burning myself on the stove!
I’ve been using parchment, but the Super Peel looks great. I’d love to give it a try!
Oooh, very cool! Would be perfect for pizza!
My old wooden peel is sitting (well actually hanging) there glaring at me as I write this comment. “How could you forsake our long, albeit troublesome, relationship for the promise of a clean, stick-free yeasty transfer?” “Watch me.” I said.
Super Peel sounds like a miracle worker! I can see why you would love it.
I’ll wish for Christmas.
Ooo! This really does look useful. I can’t count the number of times I’ve put a pizza into the oven and lost a hefty chunk of the toppings! Lately I’ve actually somewhat given up on cooking things directly on the baking stone, and using baking sheets and pans instead, mainly since it’s so difficult to transfer things back and forth!
This looks really nifty! I’ve never owned a peel.
one of the best giveaways i’ve seen…. looks great
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Beautiful photos and inspiring recipes. Heck, and if I have a chance to win a super peel even better. Right now I just use a cookie sheet with lots of corn meal. But that doesn’t work for everything. Also wanted to wish you the very best for this holiday season! – cheers – Daniel from the Bronx
Oh pick me pick me random picking method!
I would love a superpeel so I can try cooking a pizza (on a stone) at the very highest point of the oven. Trying to capture a few more degrees of temp. for that elusive perfect crust. Impossible to try with a “regular peel”…”SuperPeel to the rescue”!
Chris in RI
Okay, this would be fabulous. Not that I don’t need many other neat baking contraptions, but this would definitely be a good start and might get me going on buying a banneton, a baking stone, etc, etc.
I’ve been fighting with my “peel” (the back of a sheet pan laden with cornmeal) for so long now. It’s clearly time I graded up. This super-peel looks amazing!
the super peel is super cool.
just the tool i need to take my bread making to the next level.
This looks awesome – I really could have used it while making pizzas last night!
Wow! I have an older peel but have yet to use it without parchment paper. Considering I make sourdough weekly and pizza for Friday movie nights, this would be super cool to have!
I just finished up my holiday shopping for the local family in need sponsored by a nearby asst living home; I’m delivering it today. One of the gifts for the 5 year old was a set of toy cooking/baking tools….it would be fun to get a NEW baking tool of my own!!!
That’s sounds great!
amazing that you could transfer that
“wreath” of dough. seems a though it would be a great tool to have in the kitchen.
Wonderful give away, Susan. I’d love to have one of this great sounding peel.
That couronne is one of my next thing to make after Panetone. I’ve made it before, but I wasn’t really happy with the shape. So, I attempt to make another one. I’ve also check your step by step article on making this Courone, and quite happy with it. So I’ll be making it soon.
The Super Peel sounds like an amazingly useful tool – I usually have to use parchment paper on my peel to get it to work well.
A great and different giveaway, Susan. I have my hand out. It would be well used in my kitchen.
this would be so wonderful to have!
i’m planning to make loaves of artisan bread as a christmas gift for a few family friends and this would be just the thing to help me out!
I have deformed sooo many loaves which stick to my cardboard lid peel as I attempt to load them into the oven! I would love to own one. Unfortunately I just took possession of two abandoned Standard Poodle puppies who will need expensive remedial training, so the peel will have to wait …. unless…
Oh, I could really use this. I just use parchment and pray it makes it makes it when I shake it off the back of my cookie sheet!
Thanks for the opportunity! I’ve always wondered about it. The couronne is a great example of need.
Oh please pick me! I am trying to get better at baking bread and pizza and I’ve asked for a peel in my letter to Santa, but I’m fairly certain I’m not going to get it. And really it would help me avoid an argument with my husband when I don’t get it for Christmas and I just go out and buy one. So because I am a nice person with a stone, but no peel, and you want me to have a happy marriage, free from arguments, I am the best pick. 🙂
Love the shape of that peel instead of the narrower ones. Great for pizza!
Dang. I’m all about it.
looks like a great kitchen tool for anyone who bakes a lot! thanks for pointing it out 🙂
Oooh, this is just what I need to perfect my bread baking!!!
Bakers’ dream come true! I would loooooove to have this one! Yesterday I transfered a loaf of Norwich Sourdough Boule to the oven with so much struggle because the cornmeal was not evenly distributed in my peel.
I’m a bread baker that’s always on a quest for that special kitchen gadget to make my life easier. I would love to win this but it is going on my Christmas wish list if not.Thanks for the wonderful ideas!
What a fab giveaway! My hubby is the baker and this would be the most perfect stocking, I mean, oven stuffer ever!
What a neat idea! I would love to find something to reduce/eliminate that pile of charred flour and cornmeal in the bottom of my oven. Great giveaway!
Oooh! This would be so neat to have!
Awesome! I just bought a peel at Bob’s Red Mill, but I could certainly use something like this. I’m loving the awesomeness the peel I have is inciting already…
This thing looks brilliant. I use parchment paper and a regular peel, but the paper does tend to burn.
I absolutely love this peel- right now I make pizza several times a week for my son…I use a cookie sheet with no sides to get my pizza on my stone and then off! What a great offer thanks:)
I only discovered your blog about two weeks ago and have been exploring your Norwich Sourdough (I made your original — great! and than a variation substituting some Whole Wheat Flour for the white and adding some wheat gluten—- great, too!). However, my last round boules look like footballs. This peel could be the answer!
That sounds like an awesome contraption… Your blog is always so inspiring to me. I wish I had more time to bake bread (and more people to give it away to so I wouldn’t feel guilty making that much bread!), but I’m always finding new items to place on my “bake someday” list from this site!
Count me in! It looks great.
That would make a wonderful starter tool to begin my collection with, if you don’t count a bread machine and measuring cup that came with it and the special bread knife I got to get great slices. Alternatively, I could give it to a friend who’s giving me pointers on how to improve my nascent baking skills.
This looks fabulous. I watched the videos and would really like one of these. There is nothing like a perfect loaf sticking and collapsing…I think this tool would help!
It is a marvelous thing when engineering minds cook! I have admired this peel for a while, and would feel quite lucky if one were to come my way.
Love the blog!
I love cool gadgets/tools that make life easier in the kitchen!
I have never owned a pizza peel and I would love one! From what I read, it makes quite a bit of difference in the quality of one’s pizza transferring experience. Happy Holidays!
I love your website and especially enjoy the “Yeast Spottings”. Thanks so much for all you do and happy holidays! Rosemary in Florida
A peel! My mum has been wanting one for a long time.
I never comment, but I read your blog all the time, and it’s quite inspirational. I don’t bake a lot of bread, but when I find the time, I love it.
Keep up the awesome work!
This looks good. I already use a large metal peel, but still have some problems with sticking. The belt should solve these problems.
That IS generous!! Thank you Susan and Gary for this opportunity! (Oh I do hope I’m the random person!)
I will have one sooner or later. Why not trying to get it for free ? Thanks for your wonderful website 🙂
Wow, thanks so much 🙂
I’ve been looking to get a pizza peel for the longest time, but being a cheapie student I have not yet budgeted it out in my expenses what with finals coming up. But normally I’m a bread baking fiend and this peel would be spectacular! It’d be a nice contrast to my ghetto-ed out homemade baking stone…
What a beauty! What a beast! Oh how I fathom, to use it to make such a feast!
I love how easy to use this is. I usually wind up messing up a lovely loaf so this is a great idea!
I would love one of those too…
While my bread is edible, occasionally I’d really like to have something like this to keep is aesthetically pleasing.
I would LOVE to have one of those! I keep saying I need one, just never get it!! Thanks so much for giving an option and of course giving one away!
Oh, woe is me. What a terrible time of year to be peel-less!
Right now I use a tiny, wooden and splintery peel that I bought at a garage sale for a quarter. Having this peel would be amazing!
Wow, that looks really cool. Right now I either use cornmeal or parchment on my regular peel, depending on the dough.
I think my eyes just glazed over while thinking of all the breads and pastries a Super Peel would make possible… (if not, at the very least, 90% more intact than they usually are at the mercy of my rookie fingers)
I don’t think these are availiable in stores…are they? Either way I’m definitly going to be hinting at one of these as my birthday gets closer! (what an unusual gift…most girls ask for…well. girly things. Not baking stones and Super Peels XD)
Oh my! This could be a wonderful gift to myself! My husband is making me a wood fired brick oven and I cannot wait to cook pizzas and bread and use a wonderful new peel too!
Thank You!
Wow!! What a great giveaway. I can just see my kitchen now…more bread, more pizza, more rolls, more.., more…, more! Super peels for every kitchen!
This is a really interesting design. At first I didn’t see how it worked, but after watching the videos, I understand. It’s really cool the way it moves the dough.
What a great tool! Thanks for the chance to win it!
P.S. I think I figured out my sourdough problem; I’m quite sure it was my starter. A couple of months ago it wouldn’t even double in size after twelve hours. I babied it for a while and I think I’ve coaxed it back to life! It’s more than doubling in twelve hours now, the crumb on my breads is much more loose, much more like what I was baking this summer. Thank you for the tips!
Oh my! What I wouldn’t give to win this lovely item……pick me! pick me! PLEASE…. 🙂
Well, even if I don’t win I still enjoy all that you share on your blog, Susan. I learn so much from you and the group of friends that gather to share their experiences.
So….pick me, pick me, pick me, pretty, pretty, PLEASE? …there’s sugar atop one or two of these, ‘pretty pleases’. I promise.
LOL. 😉
I have seen the super peel used, and its a brilliant device. Also worth noting is that should you damage (or burn) the sheet, the replacements are around $5
This looks like a great tool! Maybe I’ll get lucky : )
BTW, your blog totally inspires me. If only I had more time to experiment!
I love your blog, its one of my favorites! Oh, the super peel sounds awesome! Please pick me! 😀
That is *awesome*. Thanks for the contest!
Enjoy your blog very much, thanx for the time investment and dedication…would love to win the SUPER PEEL as I am a begnning baker and have a clutzy time of transferring baked goods to the oven…
I can’t imagine going from crappy inverted sheet pan to Super Peel…but maybe I won’t have to imagine! This is a great giveaway! Anyway, I love the yeastspotting posts, and your bread never ceases to amaze.
there are a lot of useful kitchen gadgets out there, but this one is particularly handy for someone who bakes her own bread and prefers homemade pizza to delivery. the other uses you’ve discovered for it are awesome, too! excellent find. 🙂
I’ve gotten a number of good recipes from your site and would enjoy using a Super Peel.
Ooh, I’ve been wanting a good peel for quite a while. Me, please?
I would love to upgrade from the free pizza peel that came with our baking stone!
I would be soooo happy to get one! Please include me on this very long list 🙂
Oh, this would defintely make my pizza baking easier. LOL! I could do it in one step instead of two! (Parbaking crust, because have you EVER tried to get a fully loaded pizza off a tray and onto a stone? Yeah. Doesn’t work to well. . . . )
Lalycairn (at)
Great peel!What a fabulous tool for the home baker.
Your blog has been instrumental in my quest for the best breads. Thank you. The Super Peel looks like it’s just the ticket for my sometimes sadly deformed pizzas and crescent shaped baguettes.
Wow! How nice of you…all this information and free gifts too!… I recently just got into baking bread about 3 months ago to get myself out of the blues: making my own starter and baking, baking, baking. Reading blogs like this are also really helpful and inspiring, whether you give our freebies or not. Thanks for taking the time to blog.
Pick me! 🙂
Wow.. If even a couronne can get in the oven unscathed…
Wow Susan, this is just about the best give away ever! Thanks for hosting it!
Wow, this is truly a revelation! I use the parchment on the wooden peel method right now, which works OK, but is less than ideal (for the reasons you mentioned).
What a great give away to get to host!
Would be great for my brick oven!!!